Please note these informations
Costs and cancellation
65 € / 60 minutes
95 € / 90 minutes
On presentation of a corresponding certificate, the guided tours “Discover the Fritz Bauer Forum” are free of charge for school and non-school adult education groups.
However, in the event of cancellation or a change of date, you will be charged the following costs after the cancellation period has expired, in the event of a no-show or cancellation at the location:
65 € / 60 minutes
95 € / 90 minutes
Once you have requested and booked a guided tour, you will receive a booking confirmation from us by e-mail.
Cancellation is free of charge up to four working days before the date.
Costs & cancellation less than 24 hours before the appointment
Seminar / workshop 60 minutes: 65 €
Seminar / workshop 90 minutes: 95 €
Seminar / workshop 120 minutes: 135 €
Seminar / workshop 180 minutes: 195 €
Seminar / workshop 240 minutes: 270 €
Seminar / workshop 360 minutes: 395 € (one-day seminar)
Multi-day offers: (to be agreed)
Cancellation 4 working days to 24 hours before the date:
Seminar / Workshop 60 – 240 minutes: € 65
Seminar / Workshop 360 minutes: € 395 (one-day seminar): € 95
Cancellation 4 working days before the date: free of charge
Costs and cancellation
Costs & Cancellation less than 24 hours before the appointment:
Seminar 60 minutes: € 65
Seminar 90 minutes: € 95
Cancellation 4 working days to 24 hours before the appointment:
Seminar / Workshop 60 minutes – 90 minutes: € 65
Cancellation 4 working days before the appointment:
free of charge
Once we have received your inquiry, we will contact you promptly to confirm your registration and make further arrangements. If you have any questions about our seminars, workshops and online offers, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Magdalena Köhler (M.A.)
Events and interactive Fritz Bauer Library
+49 (0) 1573 2562392email address
magdalena.koehler@fritz-bauer-forum.deOpening hours will follow