Information, brochures and materials
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On the digital and interactive platform, we collect the stories of human rights fighters worldwide – past and present. There are well-known stories, such as those of Rosa Parks, Carola Rackete and George Orwell, but also lesser-known stories such as those of Lucinda Collette Evans, a South African women’s rights activist, or Franco Basaglia, an Italian psychiatrist who campaigned for the humane treatment of patients. Using selected examples, we will look at the specific life stories and the significance of resistance for human rights – and what this has to do with us today.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions about our open access materials.
Jennifer Haas
Library and archive
+49 (0) 1573 2562413email address
jennifer.haas@fritz-bauer-forum.deOpening hours will follow