How can the memory of the worst crimes in history be turned into action based on human rights? “In the fight for human rights” – this was the answer given by the lawyer and resistance fighter Dr Fritz Bauer, looking back on his life and his confrontation with the National Socialist state of injustice.
The interactive exhibition project takes a new approach. We pose the question of Fritz Bauer’s ethical, moral and political orientation. Can Fritz Bauer’s resistance struggle provide answers to the threatening issues of today and serve as a guide to action in defence of democracy and human rights? We think: Yes!
We have recently combed through Fritz Bauer’s work and the extensive film and source material from the archives of the Fritz Bauer Forum in Bochum. The results have been presented for the first time on an interactive website about Fritz Bauer and his commitment, the story retold in text, images and film.
Fritz Bauer’s offices and the courthouse have been almost recreated using virtual reality, so that his work can be discovered in a completely new way.
You can find the exhibition here .
The exhibition was developed as part of the “dive in. Programme for Digital Interactions” of the German Federal Cultural Foundation, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) in the Neustart Kultur programme