Albert Wucher estate (1920-2010)



PD Dr. Irmtrud Wojak
Managing Director


The estate of the historian and journalist Dr Albert Wucher (approx. 1.5 m), who reported on the Eichmann trial before the Jerusalem District Court (April-December 1961) for the Süddeutsche Zeitung, includes personal letters, photographs, his works, manuscripts and newspaper articles, in particular a complete collection of his articles on the Eichmann trial and a collection of his “Streiflichter” for the SZ.

A. Wucher attended grammar school in Dillingen an der Donau, where he graduated in 1939. From 1938 to 1945, he was a soldier in the German Wehrmacht, ultimately as a first lieutenant in the Luftwaffe. After the Second World War, he studied history and German language and literature in Freiburg im Breisgau. In 1949, Wucher completed his doctorate in Tübingen under the supervision of the ancient historian Joseph Vogt (1895-1986) with a research paper on the ancient historian Theodor Mommsen. From 1949 until his retirement in 1985, the journalist worked on the editorial staff of the Munich-based Süddeutsche Zeitung, specialising in the history of National Socialism (see also Wucher’s publication Eichmann gab es viele). Between 1968 and 1978, he was the SZ’s Italian correspondent in Rome and reported on the Second Vatican Council. In 1981, Wucher became a professor in the journalism programme at the Institute for Journalism Studies at Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz (retired in 1985).

Advised by the historian Karl Otmar Freiherr von Aretin (1923-2014), Albert Wucher produced a series on the Weimar Republic for ZDF.


The estate is being digitised and indexed in a finding aid. It is accessible to the public with major restrictions.

The series of articles in the SZ on the Eichmann trial in Jerusalem is in the archive as a collection of press cuttings.

Term and scope

Duration: 1960 -1995

Scope: Approx. 1.5 metres