Science and digital platforms
Amnesty International, Human Rights Education Section
German Association for the United Nations (DGVN) – Enforcing human rights
Federal Agency for Civic Education – Human Rights
ETC Graz – Human rights education
UNESCO Chair for Human Rights Education
Digital platforms
Education server D@dalos – Human rights topics
This portal for political education was developed by the Stuttgart-based Gesellschaft für Wissensvermittlung über neue Medien und politische Bildung (GbR). The educational programme D@dalos is run by the Pharos Stuttgart/Sarajevo association.
“As a central guide to the education system in Germany and as a source of information on education worldwide, the German Education Server offers all interested parties access to high-quality information and internet resources – fast, up-to-date, comprehensive and free of charge. As a meta-server, it primarily refers to Internet resources provided by the federal and state governments, the European Union, universities, schools, state institutes, research and service organisations and specialist information institutions, among others.” (Source: information from the website) – The German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF) in Frankfurt am Main is the head office of the education server.
Here you can find information on events and institutions that are of interest to the right to education, including the topic of special needs education.
The European e-Justice Portal (in 23 languages) is designed to facilitate access to the law of the European Union and provides information on the judicial systems of the Member States.
Human Rights Internet, based in Ottawa (Canada), was founded in 1995 at the Faculty of Law at Harvard University, moved to the University of Ottawa in 1995 and is now an independent Internet platform.
The news agency has been committed to change through information since 1964, its historic mission is to be the voice for those who have no voice: “giving a voice to the voiceless” .
Information platform
The comprehensive Swiss human rights portal has been in existence since 1999.
The KOMPASS website is an online tool for human rights education with adolescents and young adults. The website states: “ / MERS works together with the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights in Austria ( ) and the German Institute for Human Rights ( , which completed the German-language book version of COMPASS in spring 2005. / MERS and the partner organisations continuously adapt the exercises and topics with country-specific materials. Coordination is ensured by a 3-country editorial team.”
Scientific research and educational institutions
European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
The Agency is a commission of experts set up to protect fundamental rights in Europe. Its predecessor was the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia. The Commission’s task is based on the “Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union”.
German Institute for Human Rights
The Institute was founded in 2001 and aims to contribute to the protection of human rights by Germany at home and abroad. The Institute maintains a “case law database” that summarises selected decisions of international courts in German and makes them available in full text as PDFs on the topics of protection against discrimination, gender-based violence, human trafficking and disability. The database is to be expanded to include topics such as racism, the prohibition of torture and migration.
International Centre on Nonviolent Conflict
The Washington-based centre is an educational foundation whose aim is to research and disseminate knowledge and educational material on civil resistance (civil disobedience) worldwide.
Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights
The Institute, based in Vienna, works at the interface between research and science and is a non-university, independent research organisation.
Human Rights Centre of the University of Potsdam
The centre at the university serves to promote research, teaching and education in human rights issues.
Online Encyclopedia of Mass Violence
(OEMV) “A regularly updated electronic database focusing on massacres and genocides of the 20th century.” “The researchers involved with the OEMV mean to make it the international online publication of reference for the spreading of knowledge on mass violence, whether it is qualified as genocide, ethnic cleansing or massacres.” (English / French)