In memory of the lawyer and advocate of human dignity Dr Fritz Bauer
What guides us
Fritz Bauer had Article 1 of the Constitution, “Human dignity is inviolable”, displayed prominently on the façades of the court buildings where he worked.
During the National Socialist era, human dignity was violated millions of times through terror, violence and war. The National Socialist policy of marginalisation and deportation of millions had ended in war and the Holocaust. In 1945, the Allies defeated the National Socialist regime and Germany was divided.
Fritz Bauer, who survived persecution, concentration camp imprisonment and a dozen years in exile, returned in 1949. He wanted to support those who resisted and fought for a democratic Germany. “Never again!”, cried the survivors, should human dignity be trampled on and violated in the way it was during the period of injustice.
That is what moves us.
At the centre of our events, workshops, seminars and exhibitions is an approach based on Article 1 of the German Constitution.
With the Interactive Fritz Bauer Library, we are giving stories of resistance and survival worldwide a place. Here they can be researched, documented and passed on.
We deal with false obedience in the past and in the present. The small resistance against violations of human dignity in everyday life must be practised so that the great resistance is possible in the days of injustice.
We provide space and presentation opportunities for the diversity of opinions and forms of expression through art and dialogue.
Time travel in milestones
A place for the diversity of people who fight for human dignity – their own and that of others – even under extreme conditions.
The project began in 2014/15/17 with the development of an interactive library of stories of resistance and survival with students at the Radcliffe Institute.
This year, the Interactive Fritz Bauer Library went online with an event at the VHS Bochum, with the participation of many initiatives and committed individuals.
The foundation stone for the Fritz Bauer Forum was laid in 2020 on the site of the former “Havkenscheid Mourning Hall”.
In August 2023, the library was completed in the remodelled monument “Trauerhalle Ost”.
The Fritz Bauer Forum will open in Bochum in 2025 on the Day of the Constitution.
About us
Irmtrud Wojak heads the Fritz Bauer Forum and is continuously developing it into a well-networked centre for democracy and human rights that is involved in current discourse. She is involved in all decisive processes for the strategic, organisational and content-related further development of the Fritz Bauer Forum. Her focus is on interdisciplinary, multidirectional and transnational remembrance work and the empowerment of people who are committed to their rights and to our democracy.
Magdalena Köhler coordinates the Fritz Bauer Forum’s events programme. From conception and planning through to implementation, she ensures smooth processes for various event formats with numerous cooperation partners on site and online. She also manages the digital Interactive Fritz Bauer Library.
Tobias Fetzer, historian, is responsible for the Fritz Bauer Forum’s press and public relations work. He also manages our social media channels, designs flyers and posters and ensures that the Forum has a uniform digital image. He also looks after the building services on a day-to-day basis and at events.
Jennifer Haas is responsible for the library and archive of the Fritz Bauer Forum. Her tasks range from the structural conception of the library and archive and their implementation to the maintenance of our research databases. She also coordinates our volunteers.
Dorothee Schäfer, sculptor and curator, is a freelancer. She supports the Fritz Bauer Forum with her artistic work and makes her network of various regional and international artists available. The sculptor currently has her studio on the Forum’s premises and is involved in the artistic design. She is also leading the art and school project “How does democracy actually work, Mr Bauer?” in 2024/25.
Jakob Gatzka is a film director, author and freelancer. He is the director of the film festival “Unlimited Hope”, which is held to mark the presentation of the Fritz Bauer & Raphael Lemkin Human Rights Film Prize. Together with Irmtrud Wojak, he has realised numerous film interviews for the Fritz Bauer Forum and advises the Forum on film-related issues.
Reinhold Spratte, artist and pedagogue, is a freelancer. He designs the book covers for the “Fritz Bauer Bibliothek” book series, which is published by BUXUS EDITION. He succeeds in creating a unique work of art on canvas for each book that is directly related to the respective story. Reinhold Spratte also advises the Fritz Bauer Forum on content and design issues.
Our volunteer supporters are an important addition to our team. They are the driving force behind the development of the Fritz Bauer Library, especially in Jennifer Haas’ area of work. They also advise the Fritz Bauer Forum with their diverse knowledge of research, business and teaching.
The founder
The forum is a place for open exchange and encouragement, where questions are asked and no ready-made answers are provided.
Through research and documentation, art and media communication, the often risky and self-sacrificing “No!” to injustice in our history and to human rights violations in our present is to be strengthened and carried forward in order to help shape a better future.
Rent rooms at the Fritz Bauer Forum
The Fritz Bauer Forum offers you inspiring rooms for workshops, meetings and events in a central location. Our modern, well-equipped rooms are ideal for a variety of occasions and create an atmosphere that encourages dialogue and creativity. Take the opportunity to organise your event with us – we will be happy to help you with the planning!
Please let us know your event idea. Together we will see what can be realised.
For you to discover
Here you can find information about the Fritz Bauer Forum
Find out more about our location and our history, discover your premises for events and functions.
Would you like to find out more about the location, your event options and rooms? Please give us a call or write to us with your questions!
Tobias Fetzer
Public relations and social media
+49 (0) 1575 3192127email address
tobias.fetzer@fritz-bauer-forum.deOpening hours will follow