Our garden is being created around the library, the landmark of the Fritz Bauer Forum
Garden of diversity
We are planning the Fritz Bauer Forum garden together with landscape planner Michael Tänzer. We want to design a climate-resistant garden that uses less water and, above all, no chemicals.
We have included the existing trees and shrubs in our planning. The existing extensive paving in front of the basement of the Forum was removed. This clearing of the ground has created a lot of space for the new planting and for rainwater to seep in.
Biotopes for plants and animals are to be created in the garden of diversity. There will also be places of retreat for all those who visit the Forum and who want to discover the garden as a source of strength for themselves.
Source of strength
Gardens can be places of remembrance, inspiring for a personal journey through time on the traces of history and our humanity.
Just as plants need enough water and light to not wither, people need each other to continue to live and grow.
We hope that our garden will be a source of strength for this idea. A place of retreat, but not nostalgic. A place of remembrance, but not just backward-looking. Rather, inspiring to set off again.
Reading and listening
The Garden of Diversity is a place with stories. The layout and design invite us to ask ourselves what makes us strong as human beings and what allows us to grow.
Fancy more?
Get to know the variety of our rooms for your events, exhibitions, reading sessions or other events.
Café Historias can help you put together your own personal catering ideas. Or you can use the café for breaks with coffee & cake and small snacks.
Do you have questions about our garden of diversity?
Magdalena Köhler (M.A.)
Events and interactive Fritz Bauer Library
+49 (0) 1573 2562392email address
magdalena.koehler@fritz-bauer-forum.deOpening hours will follow